Larry Fulton: Ray I got the books the other day… You couldn’t even buy yourself a coffee with what you are charging so I sent you a little extra… Cant wait to start reading… How Come these guys didnt have to stay in Jail longer than they did?… Thanks
Ray Tercek: Feels good when customers appreciate the work that goes into writing and publishing. Thanks Larry. Re the jail time, you will read that this was an investigation of a conspiracy of 150-200 people who were all criminally involved in varying degrees. Our mission was to get to the top, while also bringing other most culpable to justice. We wanted to take down the entire organization. To do this, we used the federal grand jury system, which allowed us to compel testimony from suspects involved in lower level degrees of crimes in exchange for lesser sentences. That methodology, however, comes with greater responsibility– most notably, more intensive investigation of every suspect we compelled to testify. Almost to the point of proving guilt for their individual role in the larger criminal case before bringing them to the grand jury (This, of course, in case the targeted minor suspect refused to testify and chose, instead, to take their chances in the courts). It was a lot of work, not the least of which was to ensure that our selections of the minor (versus major) targets were indeed as we thought. You will see that we were not perfect. Happy reading! And pls forward any other questions to me.