Relevant passage in book one [Chapter 6, page 51]:
“…Maltais’s end of the business was good. Good enough to keep several street dealers busy—dealers who were in for peanuts and some free product. But, there was this setback, when a kilo deal went bad, a total loss. Pepe held Maltais accountable, raised the price on Maltais, and put his two henchmen, Michael Wright and John King (both convicted murderers), in the middle of each future transaction with Maltais.”
ANSWER: On my “Home” page, scroll down to the revolving document window. You will see three pages of excerpts describing the event, pages from an investigative report (some of which has been redacted). You will also find several pages from transcripts of Mardy Maltais’ testimony before the secret federal grand jury. Hope this quells your curiousity on this issue, Joe. Thanks for the feedback!