Sources say…”When Police and…

December 20th, 2011 by Ray Tercek

Sources say…”When Police and Politics Collide” will arrive two weeks early! Maybe before Christmas. Preorder now…

Lynnea Roth comments on Book o…

December 19th, 2011 by Ray Tercek

Lynnea Roth comments on Book one: I am enjoying reading the book! I am so amazed at how the system really works…

1986, Political Crisis in PDX. Read “When Police and Politics Collide”.

December 17th, 2011 by Ray Tercek

Chapter 16: “…Over the next couple of days, the political crisis deepened. The Oregonian reported: ‘Portland Police Chief Penny E. Harrington acknowledged Tuesday that she divulged police information to a man involved in a shooting before details of the incident were presented to a Multnomah County grand jury.'” (Leslie L. Zaitz et al., “Harrington says she gave details to businessman,” The Oregonian, April 2, 1986.)


Book 2, “When Police and Politics Collide”

December 17th, 2011 by Ray Tercek

Chapter 16: “The Portland Police Bureau was sick, if not broken. And as an article in Willamette Week suggested- in the City of Portland, incompetence and a lack of leadership, honesty, and integrity rippled throughout the elected officials as well as through the ranks of bureaucratic management and supervision.” (Reference from “State of siege”, Willamette Week by Jim Redden, April 16, 1986.)




New low price for the Amazon Kindle version

December 16th, 2011 by Ray Tercek

Book one of my series on Amazon Kindle, Order now; Get it now at $4.00.