QUESTIONS: Joe Moore of Seattle wants to know more! Joe cites two condensed events in Book One (How Presidential Task Force #NW-OR-001 Challenged Conventional Drug Investigation Methods.)

August 12th, 2013 by Ray Tercek

1. Mardy Maltais: It says he blew a kilo early in his dealings with Chavez, if I understand it right, resulting in future transactions being backstopped by Chavez’s hardheads. Could you expand on this a bit?
2. When Barnard sent the cocaine from Bristol, Tennessee, to Portland, then flew in after and was detained at the airport, did the investigators match the cocaine arriving through Fed Ex or even know [at the time] that it had been sent? Barnard just went and picked it and whistled on his way?



The Trial of Pepe Chavez

April 28th, 2013 by Ray Tercek

For your enjoyment, here’s an excerpt of a draft chapter that didn’t make the cut in Book Two, “When Police and Politcs Collide”.

Trial of Pepe Chavez

Excerpts Book Two, “…When Police and Politics Collide”. The Interesting political relationship of Portland Mayor Clark and Former US Attorney Sidney Lezak.

April 8th, 2013 by Ray Tercek

“[To investigate and review the allegation that Officer Gary Harrington leaked evidence of the secret task force investigation and the role of Chief Penny Harrington in the alleged events, Mayor Clark…]  …appointed former United States attorney for the district of Oregon Sidney I. Lezak to chair the special review commission. He also appointed judge John C. Beatty Jr., a retired Multnomah County Circuit Court judge and colonel H. D. Watson of the Oregon State Police Department.

…issues simmered just below the surface. To Clark and others, Lezak was a friend of the cause, ‘a liberal Democrat who worked hard to keep politics out of his office …’57 Yet Sidney Lezak had also been one of Clark’s hand-picked campaign staff during his mayoral election—hardly a detached bystander without loyalty to or patronage of Mayor Clark.

See More ClarkLezakExcerpt

Book Two Excerpts: Portland Mayor Bud “Whoop, Whoop” Clark

April 3rd, 2013 by Ray Tercek

“In November 1984—truth stranger than fiction—a laid-back tavern owner, Bud Clark, won election as mayor of the city of Portland…. Mayor-elect Clark had a merrymaking bent and a nationally noted trademark cry, “Whoop, Whoop!”, attesting to his wild side…

[January 1985] …after taking office, Mayor Clark appointed his new chief, Penny Harrington… on the surface a smiley round-faced personable cop with a boatload of resume…also a fiery, resolute redhead who had brought forty-two civil actions against the city over twenty years to get to her new position…

Read More BudClarkExcerpts.

You’re going to jail…[Excerpt, Book two]

March 30th, 2013 by Ray Tercek

“[United States District Court, District of Oregon] Judge Redden sentenced Jerry Ruth to six separate eight-year prison terms. He sentenced Michael Palmer to three separate eight-year prison terms. Additionally, he fined Ruth five thousand dollars and Palmer one thousand. During Ruth’s and Palmer’s sentencing, Judge Redden again called the cocaine case “the largest in Northwest history,..”.(easy money)