Gene _____’s comments, Jan 5, 2013

January 11th, 2013 by Ray Tercek

I finished your book the other day, the Christmas activities forced me to put it down for the holidays but once I picked it up again it was a race to the finish, I could not put it down. I believe that one day someone will read this book, realize the value and help you get this promoted.
The politics that you experienced unfortunately are not new but are as old as government. It all starts with the voters. In this case the liberal ill-informed Portland voters, that find it vogue to elect a bar owner that was not qualified to run the business of city government, a bar owner who appointed a Chief of Police that was promoted beyond her capabilities, and woefully unqualified to perform the duties of Chief of Police. A Police Chief who surrounded herself with people promoted beyond their abilities. The big looser in all this is the voter, but unfortunately, I doubt that most of the people that voted for Bud Clark as Mayor, and lived through this dysfunctional period in Portland governmental history, have a clue what had taken place or the consequences of their vote…

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