QUESTIONS: Joe Moore of Seattle wants to know more! Joe cites two condensed events in Book One (How Presidential Task Force #NW-OR-001 Challenged Conventional Drug Investigation Methods.)

August 12th, 2013 by Ray Tercek

1. Mardy Maltais: It says he blew a kilo early in his dealings with Chavez, if I understand it right, resulting in future transactions being backstopped by Chavez’s hardheads. Could you expand on this a bit?
2. When Barnard sent the cocaine from Bristol, Tennessee, to Portland, then flew in after and was detained at the airport, did the investigators match the cocaine arriving through Fed Ex or even know [at the time] that it had been sent? Barnard just went and picked it and whistled on his way?



One Response

  1. Ray Tercek says:

    Joe, re your questions, I am resurrecting some of my support documents. I will post detailed summary responses,
    investigation documents and trial documents for you on my “Home” page in the revolving visual. This may take a few more days of tech work, so please bear with me. A tidbit of info on the Bristol event to pique your interest—Lee Beard was there with Jim Barnard and a South American cocaine trafficker by the name of Alfredo Garcia. Lee Beard, in fact, witnessed the multi-kilo
    transaction. Ray

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