Archive for August, 2019

Mass Shootings

August 11th, 2019 by Ray Tercek

Witch Hunt or Rule of Law investigation

August 11th, 2019 by Ray Tercek

Mueller…Comey…Peter Strzok…Lisa Page…Bruce Ohr…Andrew McCabe? All of ‘em said to be questionable re their legal and DOJ and FBI administrative rules and guidelines violations during conspiracy investigations of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Compare what facts you have heard in the media about the Mueller and Comey investigative processes and a real-life federal conspiracy investigation conducted with consideration to the constitution, rule of law, as well as DOJ and FBI administrative rules and guidelines. If you are at all interested in the politics that have/are obviously dominate the Mueller and Comey investigation of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump…you must understand the game. Give a read of my two digital books available on, “The Investigation of Pepe Chavez et al”.