Regarding the FBI targeting of Retired US Army Lt. General Michael Flynn: Newly released evidence now indicates that the FBI may have violated Gen Flynn’s constitutional rights at the outset of their investigation into the spurious and perverse “Russia Hoax”. If the violation is proven, Justice will no doubt find that all FBI evidence collected after will be deemed “fruit of the poison tree” –inadmissible in any court, past or future. The consequence: Gen. Flynn’s guilty plea will be vacated; his rightful heroic legacy will be reclaimed.
The next big Political investigation
Seems the Attorney General Barr/ Assistant Attorney General Durham investigation into FISA/ Russian Hoax/ Mueller investigation sources, etc. is following Constitution/ Law/ Rules/ Guidelines, and past practice. This is a first for the FBI and the DOJ since President Trump was elected and all other so called “investigations” proceeded. By most available info, the investigation will continue until June 2020. Expectedly, however, the world still has to put up with liberal activist attempts to preemptively discredit upcoming findings which are inevitably going to negatively impact liberals, media, and the Democrat party. Keep the faith, Conservatives. Despite the almost four-year liberal persecution, I urge you all to understand how your ethics/ morals will stand the test of time. Here’s the identifier, the crux of difference of philosophies: HUMOR For years, liberals, dems, and the mainstream media have mocked, condescend and laughed at political opponents, who do not agree with them on policy. For years, Conservatives chose not to respond with contesting truths—instead chose self-deprecating humor and consideration to avoid conflict and/ or negative media. Rest easy Conservatives. That has now changed with President Trump—and, additionally, following the President’s example—many congressional lawmakers now respond with provable truths when confronted with unsupported liberal “facts”. Fight “The Resistance”. Follow President Trump’s lead. Enjoy “liberal thinking” HUMOR for now, but have patience until the “Hammer drops” with the Barr/ Durham findings in June.
Mass Shootings
Witch Hunt or Rule of Law investigation
Mueller…Comey…Peter Strzok…Lisa Page…Bruce Ohr…Andrew McCabe? All of ‘em said to be questionable re their legal and DOJ and FBI administrative rules and guidelines violations during conspiracy investigations of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Compare what facts you have heard in the media about the Mueller and Comey investigative processes and a real-life federal conspiracy investigation conducted with consideration to the constitution, rule of law, as well as DOJ and FBI administrative rules and guidelines. If you are at all interested in the politics that have/are obviously dominate the Mueller and Comey investigation of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump…you must understand the game. Give a read of my two digital books available on, “The Investigation of Pepe Chavez et al”.
Law Enforcement History Repeats
“Past is Prologue”, William Shakespeare. Want to know how the FBI/ Department of Justice investigative process works-or doesn’t. Get my books on My two books non-fiction series details the process step by step in an actual federal investigation of an international drug smuggling and distribution conspiracy in the 1980s. My tome has all the elements of the current Bill and Hillary Clinton investigations—Multiple federal crimes, and conflict between the multi-agency law enforcement organizations, the politicians, and the federal prosecutors. Read about my experiences and you will witness Shakespeare’s perception. Check out “The Investigation of Pepe Chavez et al” series.